Step by Step Easy Dragon to Draw for Children

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Learn how to draw a great looking Cute Easy Dragon for Kids with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. You can now easily create a beautiful Cute Easy Dragon for Kids drawing.

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Complete Cute Easy Dragon for Kids drawing

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Would you like to learn how to draw a cute, easy dragon for kids? Your quest has come to an end, for you've found the treasure. This simple creature drawing tutorial will help you tame the cute, easy dragon for kids outline.

Dragons have been a part of Western mythology for millennia. They appear earliest in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Norse legends. These dragons were not all alike, but many were snake-like.

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By the medieval period, earlier ideas of dragons had coalesced into a scaly, reptilian creature with wings. Dragons were said to live in caves, breathe fire, hoard treasure, and eat with great appetite.

Were dragons ever real? There are ancient fossils of flying reptiles and dinosaurs that might have inspired some dragon myths. Other aspects were likely drawn from living animals - for example, the long neck of the giraffe or the toothy maw of the crocodile.

Today, dragons appear in so many stories. Which one is your favorite? Will you write a story about this simple dragon drawing?

If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Japanese Dragon, Flying Dragon, and Leafy Sea Dragon.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids

How to Draw a Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids Featured Image

How to Draw a Great Looking Cute Easy Dragon for Kids for Kids, Beginners, and Adults - Step 1

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 01

1. Begin the cute, easy dragon for kids outline by sketching the dragon's face. Use overlapping curved lines for the snout and nose. Note the bulge of the nostril. Then, use curved lines to enclose the partial oval shapes of the eyes. Shade an oval-shaped pupil in each.

Easy Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing - Step 2

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 02

2. Use a wavy curved line to draw the top of the head and back of the neck. Note the bulges above the eyes. Detail the chin, corner of the mouth, and nose with curved lines. Shade a small oval for the nostril, and use curved lines to draw teeth sticking out above and below the mouth.

Your cartoon character should now resemble a dinosaur. Did you know? Dinosaur fossils might have inspired dragon myths.

Easy Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing - Step 3

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 03

3. Use long, overlapping curved lines to draw the front of the neck and the belly. Then, use a series of short curved lines to begin outlining the arm. Don't forget the curved triangular claw.

Easy Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing - Step 4

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 04

4. Complete the arm using curved lines and triangles. Then, begin sketching the rear leg. Use overlapping curved lines for the hip, foot, and toe. Enclose a gently pointed claw at the tip of the toe.

Easy Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing - Step 5

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 05

5. Next, draw the dragon's wings. Use a series of curved lines to sketch the "fingertips" of the batlike wings and the sails in between. Draw a rounded claw on one wingtip. Then, complete the toes of the rear foot. Enclose the rounded claws and use curved lines for the tops of the toes.

Easy Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing - Step 6

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 06

6. Detail the wing with long curved lines. Then, draw the tail using a pair of roughly parallel curved lines.

Easy Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing - Step 7

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 07

7. Enclose a shape using "U" shaped lines at the tip of the tail. Then, begin sketching the remaining arm. Enclose gently pointed claws and use overlapping curved lines for the fingers.

Add More Details to Your Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Picture - Step 8

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 08

8. Complete the remaining hand and foot. Draw the pointed claws and outline the fingers and toes.

Complete the Outline of Your Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing - Step 9

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 09

9. Complete the cute, easy dragon for kids outline by drawing its remaining wing. Then, use a series of connected "U" shaped lines to draw a frill or spikes down its back.

Color Your Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your simple cartoon dragon. Will yours be bronze, brown, blue, green, or gold like the mighty dragons of Pern? Black like Toothless or pure white like his mate? Red like the fiery dragons of mythology? The choice is yours.

For more great Dragon drawing tutorials, see the 50 Easy Dragon Art Projects for Kids post.

Easy, step by step Cute Easy Dragon for Kids drawing tutorial

How to Draw a Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids Pinterest Image

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Cute Easy Dragon for Kids Drawing Tutorial - Easy & Fun Printable Pages


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