How Do You Upload Xml to Second Life
Exporting and importing from Second Life
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Exporting and importing from Second Life
there a mode to import a mesh avatar or object from Second life----Or the other way around?
- Thomas_Ray
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Re: Exporting and importing from 2nd Life
I don't know much about Second Life, but if it allows y'all to export and/or import a Wavefront .obj, and so information technology can probably be done.
- MargaretToigo
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Re: Exporting and importing from Second Life
Greetings, yes its very possible to do just this from second life to blender would apply firestorm and with the avant-garde carte up choose grapheme xml save. it will salve your shape to desktop as an xml file, or if you take a mesh torso in second life yous can take it off gear up it next to you and choose save every bit dae(using firestorm nevertheless). From blender to 2nd life you simply save your avatar in blender to desktop every bit a dae file and upload the body every bit y'all would any other object merely include info in form that its an avatar torso and it needs its skin weight and joints! gl, if you lot demand more than help hit us up again, every bit I am sick it may be while for me to reply.
She who knows in repose with prose...
Elvaerwyn - Posts: 335
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Re: Exporting and importing from 2nd Life
Elvaerwyn wrote:Greetings, yes its very possible to do only this from second life to blender would use firestorm and with the advanced menu up cull character xml relieve. it will save your shape to desktop as an xml file, or if y'all have a mesh body in second life you tin accept information technology off gear up it next to y'all and choose salve as dae(using firestorm still). From blender to 2nd life you simply save your avatar in blender to desktop as a dae file and upload the body equally y'all would whatsoever other object but include info in form that its an avatar body and it needs its skin weight and joints! gl, if you demand more assist hit us up once more, every bit I am ill it may exist while for me to reply.
How would I go nigh getting my xml file into makehuman? I am very new to this and have not found a way to brand this happen.
- Rally_Bunny
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Re: Exporting and importing from 2d Life
Been many a moon since I take dabbled with porting to opensim! All the same I call up doing this with the Ruth model during her initial testing . I had to use blender though....and so what I did was I imported the ruth xml file into blender and used that model to create a total body target sans the head but can exercise whole body of class. This volition of grade crave using the maketarget addon and blender import procedure. Consign the target yous create into makehuman custom file and it should be laodable as a full target to replace the default makehuman manequin..... I did this with blender two.79 of form so its anyones approximate if this works in 2.91? I can exam it if you have whatsoever bug using this workflow, np
She who knows in repose with prose...
Elvaerwyn - Posts: 335
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Re: Exporting and importing from Second Life
Elvaerwyn wrote:Greetings!
Been many a moon since I have dabbled with porting to opensim! However I recall doing this with the Ruth model during her initial testing. I had to utilize blender what I did was I imported the ruth xml file into blender and used that model to create a full body target sans the head simply can do whole body of course. This will of form require using the maketarget addon and blender import procedure. Export the target you lot create into makehuman custom file and it should be laodable equally a full target to supervene upon the default makehuman manequin..... I did this with blender 2.79 of form so its anyones guess if this works in 2.91? I can test it if you have any bug using this workflow, np
I have been unable to find a way to import SL xml files into blender, either. My search on how to do that led me hither. Do you have any insight on doing that? I really appreciate your assistance.
- Rally_Bunny
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- Joined: Sunday January 03, 2021 1:48 am
Re: Exporting and importing from Second Life
Allo again,
I truly have no clue to what happened with the free xml importer/exporters that i recall for blender. They may accept had their projects dropped? Nonetheless I have used the one from avastar for some years, information technology is by machinimatrix(non recommended to buy if this is your but usage?). I have this though personally. If you would like me to port your xml to a blender file I would not mind doing that for you! Lemme know if you lot still need that, np. Would simply send you the blender file then you tin do what you would or port it to makehuman if you like!
She who knows in repose with prose...
Elvaerwyn - Posts: 335
- Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:28 pm
- Location: Canada
Re: Exporting and importing from 2nd Life
Elvaerwyn wrote:Allo again,
I truly have no clue to what happened with the free xml importer/exporters that i think for blender. They may have had their projects dropped? However I have used the 1 from avastar for some years, it is by machinimatrix(not recommended to buy if this is your merely usage?). I have this though personally. If you would like me to port your xml to a blender file I would not mind doing that for you lot! Lemme know if y'all still need that, np. Would simply send you lot the blender file then you tin do what you would or port it to makehuman if y'all like!
This is my only utilise for that. I just wanted to port my avatar into blender to work with it there. I would really capeesh your assistance. Thank you! How would I go about getting it to y'all?
- Rally_Bunny
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Lord's day Jan 03, 2021 1:48 am
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